List of Subjects :
- Advances - G.P.F Advance, House Building Advance, Flood Advance etc.
- Leave, Holidays and leave salary, etc.
- Condonation of break in service.
- Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners and ex-combatant clerks.
- Allowances:- (HRA, DA, LTC, Children Education Allowance, Washing Allowance, Conveyance Allowance etc.)
- Waiving of recovery of over payments.
- Associations and Unions (Recognition and other matters).
- Pension and Gratuity, etc. - Matter regarding.
- Counting of previous military and civil service for pension, leave etc.
- Arrear Claims of pay, allowances etc.
- Medical Charges - Re-imbursement and investigation of arrears claim etc.
- Departmental Council of the Ministry of Finance - Quarterly meetings - follow up action - Committee meetings of the Departmental council.
- Suggestion Scheme-matter regarding.
- Delegation of Financial Power Rules.
- Central Govt. Employees Insurance Scheme /Linked Insurance Scheme.
- Miscellaneous references.
- Parliament Questions pertaining to the above subjects.
- Reference from MPs / Ministers / PMO / President Sectt. Pertaining to above subjects.