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Customs-V Section

List of Subjects :

  1. All matters concerning Ad-hoc Exemptions under Section 25(2) of the Customs Act, 1962 including formulation of ad-hoc exemption policy.
  2. Valuation under Customs Act, 1962 including fixation of tariff values.
  3. Fixation of Exchange rates for foreign currencies.
  4. Customs privileges and exemptions for the President of the India and the Governors of States; Diplomatic Corps. UN & specialized Agencies like UNDP, UNICEF, FAO etc. Leu of rab States Mission and Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Afro–Asian Rural Reconstruction Organisation, US AID Mission and FORD Foundation. Foreign Experts coming under Bilateral Technical Cooperation Agreements with Government of India. Agencies Coordinating Grant of Aid on behalf of foreign countries (such as OECF, Japan, GTZ, Germany, CIDA, Canada,) IFS Officers and other category of Officers on deputation to foreign governments.
  5. Customs facilities and protocol for VIPs at International Airports.
  6. Sale/disposal of duty free goods/cars by privileged persons.
  7. Parliament Questions relating to the above items of work.