List of Subjects :
- Creation of posts in the field formations of CBIC.
- Declaration of Head of Departments in the field formations of CBIC.
- Conversion of temporary posts into permanent posts in the field formations of CBIC.
- Re-designation of posts in the field formations of CBIC.
- Merger of posts in the field formations of CBIC.
- Creation/Renaming of Commissionerates/Directorates in CBIC.
- Diversion of posts in the field formations of CBIC.
- Reorganization/re-structuring of the posts in the field formations of CBIC.
- Down-gradation/up-gradation of posts in the field formations of CBIC.
- Setting up of new Departmental Canteenre-categorization.
- Matters related to Air travel to non-entitled officers for official tours.
- VIP references on the subjects allotted to Ad. IV Section
- Parliament Questions/matters on the subjects allotted to Ad. IV Section
- RTI on the subjects allotted to Ad. IV Section.